eosera EAR WAX MD for Kids Kit, Age 2+, Ear Wax Cleaning Drops and Bulb Kit, Dropper Bottle, 15 mL

$21.99 USD

eosera® EAR WAX MD® for Kids age 2 and up, is clinically proven to dissolve earwax in as fast as 15 minutes. This innovative, revolutionary, patented earwax removal formula is safe, effective, and clinically proven.

  • Dropper Bottle - EAR WAX MD for KIDS, 15 mL
  • Purple Rinsing Bulb - 1

Clean Ears in 3 Easy Steps: Drip-drop, tick-tock, wash wash!

  1. Drip-drop: Apply drops 
  2. Tick-tock: Wait 15-30 minutes
  3. Wash-wash: Wash the ears with an irrigator (included)

Some earwax is normal, but excessive earwax can cause ears to feel full, achy and even prevent total hearing.  EAR WAX MD® for Kids Kit is doctor-recommended and clinically proven to dissolve and clear excess earwax to clean ears in as little as 15 minutes! For ears aged two and up, this delivery allows for quick and easy application. 

EAR WAX MD® for Kids might have you believing these cleaning ear drops are magical, but the patented dual-action technology means they’re pure science. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Glycolic Acid, Potassium Bicarbonate, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzalkonium Chloride

Contents: 15 mL bottle of EAR WAX MD® for Kids, 1 standard rinsing bulb

Earwax is Gross!

Why Do We Have It Anyway?

It seems kinda gross to us, but earwax has a job to do. It’s produced by glands in the ear canal and helps protect your precious ears from bacteria, dirt, dust, and other outsiders. While some earwax is healthy, too much can have negative effects. Hearing aids and earbuds can trigger a higher volume of earwax production, which can lead to a lower volume of hearing. Huh? We said, that’s why we humans need earwax cleaners that work! And we got ya!

Doctor Recommended

EAR PAIN MD® and EAR PAIN MD® for Kids work rapidly for pain relief, locally and topically, to address the problem.” J. Mack Slaughter, MD, Emergency Room

Mom Approved

“On those nights when my child wakes up with ear pain, I’m always thankful that I have EAR PAIN MD in my medicine cabinet.”

Little Human Tested

Keep ear pain drops on hand with the other regulars in your medicine cabinet. Safe and effective EAR PAIN MD® is the answer for better sleep and smiles

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