EAR PAIN MD® for Kids - Pain Relieving Drops


EAR WAX MD® for Kids - Wax Cleaning Kit


eosera® EAR ITCH MD - Ear Itch Spray


relieve kids ear pain

Ear Pain Drops Recommended by Doctors and Moms

EAR PAIN MD® and EAR PAIN MD® for Kids work rapidly for pain relief, locally and topically, to address the problem.” J. Mack Slaughter, MD, Emergency Room

“On those nights when my child wakes up with ear pain, I’m always thankful that I have EAR PAIN MD in my medicine cabinet.”

*For the temporary relief of pain. See product details.

eosera® Kids Products

Doctor Recommended

EAR PAIN MD® and EAR PAIN MD® for Kids work rapidly for pain relief, locally and topically, to address the problem.” J. Mack Slaughter, MD, Emergency Room

Mom Approved

“On those nights when my child wakes up with ear pain, I’m always thankful that I have EAR PAIN MD in my medicine cabinet.”

Little Human Tested

Keep ear pain drops on hand with the other regulars in your medicine cabinet. Safe and effective EAR PAIN MD® is the answer for better sleep and smiles

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